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Friday, October 2, 2009

The Stock Market Online

Author: Mostafa Soleimanzadeh

Source: ezinearticles.com

In this plan, we wanna show the skills you need to develop into a first-rate online, Stock Market Exchange, investor. We wanna tell the advantages and disadvantages of investing via the internet and some of the experiences of investors about the ups and downs in online stock market investing.Even, we wanna show you how to control the power of value investing.In later time, we will talk about how analysts work, investment clubs, and investing abroad.The development of online trading in stock marketOnline investing has had a fast development. At first, only about one trade a day was done online. The first customers placed orders by e-mail that is replaced by an automated process. It had a few minutes' delays. Today there are free real-time prices.In recent years, the range of securities and stocks traded has expanded. Some of the larger brokers now trade into some portions like:Foreign exchange and bonds, and offer ISAs (International Standard Atmospheres), SIPPs (Self-invested personal, Stock Market Exchange, pensions) and investment funds.Online share trading services are now more reliable and better serviced and the facilities good for money because they start to break into profit.The online stock brokers' websites become so user-friendly that a child can put them to use .The features of using the best sites are: -Buying and selling shares-Real-time quotes-tracking your portfolio-Also, you have access financial news and stock market analysis.Some online, Stock Market Exchange, services are available, via WAP (Wireless Application, Stock Market Exchange, Protocol) on mobile phones, Stock Market Exchange, and handheld devices.Some of the services are limited, but the potential is vast.Now, you can use the search engines on your mobile phone that you access to WAP content.One disadvantage of, Stock Market Exchange, online stock market, Stock Market Exchange, investing is that real contact of people that they are missing.If you need a person that make your investment decision and needs your handheld, you will prefer telephone or face-to-face contact. Because the internet isn't enough, but it will still be very useful.

To Read the article completely see: The Stock Market Online

By Mostafa Soleimanzadeh. Learn Online Investing by reading Free Stock Market Investing Tips.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

World Stock Market: Growing Place Where Money Grows

Author: Money Control

Source: articlesbase.com

Once the global business trade was limited to small and mid level companies however the scenario is changing these days. Both large, Stock Market Exchange, and big companies and corporations establish their offices manufacturing operations, and trade associations for making their business operations across the globe. The global nature of the companies is now letting their induction in the global share markets.The world stock market around the globe reflects the coordination among the, Stock Market Exchange, global corporate players. Interestingly the growing integration between each trading market is coordinated. The fluctuation in one market closely related to another in all the aspects. This economic relationship among the markets make a big impact on the stock scenarios is based on complete speculations.The trendy heritage of the world stock markets is worth saying. The stock markets of the developed economies are the very decisive factor that decides the fate of the economies and also the ways in which stock trading has to be taken place. World economy is now watching these markets dancing on the finest tune of financial surges. The trade tradition and the finance culture in these global places are different from each other.A perfect, Stock Market Exchange, regulator and the advisor could help you in choosing a place for best stock trading. When you are keenly interested in the trading MoneyControl.com is the best place, Stock Market Exchange, where you may get the ideal assistance to prevent the risk factors of the volatile markets. If taking you in the past those persons who were the individual investors used to take part in the trading.But the trend is changed nowadays as buyers and sellers are institutions like insurance companies, hedge funds, banks and various other FIIs are infusing their efforts and money in the market. In more advancement, virtual stock exchanges take place through the web or through closed computer networks. Whatever is the process, one thing coherent everywhere is the flow of money and transaction, Stock Market Exchange, procedures.Being an established name, Stock Market Exchange, in stock market advisory, MoneyControl.com offers a number of well recognized suggestions and recommendations vital enough to, Stock Market Exchange, get the fairer deals in the stock market. World stock markets, Stock Market Exchange, are the most volatile place you may ever imagine therefore you need to acquire a good piece of consultation with the agencies like MoneyControl.com.

MoneyControl.com provides the latest information of Indian Stock Market with stock prices, stock views and market statistic of the different industries. You can find top news related to World Stock Market, mutual funds, SENSEX, bid prices, bid quantity and different tools for personal financial services.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

India Stock Market Tips: Learn Tips to Make Money

Author: Money Control

Source: articlesbase.com

A beginner investor, Stock Market Exchange, seems very much attracted to the stock market as it offers a number of lucrative opportunities. He always is intended to explore the ways that could lead toward profitable ventures. When we are talking about the Indian Stock Market, one interesting thing is that this Asian share market is one of the most profitable stock trading places among other giant stock trading, Stock Market Exchange, countries. Reasons may be numerous but the considerations should always put in place when going to start stock trading in any, Stock Market Exchange, of Indian stock market namely NSE or BSE.A number, Stock Market Exchange, of agencies are there who extend their advice to whom who is interested in Indian stock market. MoneyControl.com is one among the top stock market advisory and tips providing services in India with a pool of effective manpower and market analysts they always keep a track on market, Stock Market Exchange, dynamics. Some of the cautions they advice in terms of, Stock Market Exchange, effective share trading are listed below.The very first thing you need to consider is your investment money and the monetary value you are going to infuse in the market. The very reason is that you can't simply afford the big losses. The more knowledge you have about the process less are the chances to sink in a deep financial trouble.Always update your knowledge about the market. The terminology that's being used during stock, Stock Market Exchange, trading should be on your fingertips. Before investing your money, do a proper homework about the terms and conditions and pros and cons about the shares you are willing to purchase. It's also very mandatory to check the financial health of the organization. You should be an intelligent investor who must be prepared for any surges and downfalls while trading. This certainly means that you should always willing for selling and buying stocks when need arises.MoneyControl.com lets you know the basic facts about the effective share trading. It's imperative to appropriately study the facts of share trading, which includes details about investments, different types of shares, and all the other terminology that are vital for stock trading. As an individual investor you may also analyze and evaluate share trends in the market without any financial risk. Once you get awareness about the basics of trading, you will get the finest way to make loads of money with minimum risk.

MoneyControl.com provides the latest information of Indian Stock Market with stock prices and market statistic of the different industries. You can find the best India Stock Market Tips related to the finance, mutual funds, SENSEX, bid prices, bid quantity and different tools for personal financial services.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Stock Market Investing

Author: Shelia

Source: articlesbase.com

Investing, Stock Market Exchange, in the Market - How Stock Market works? Introduction Investors around the globe are always eager to convert their hard-earned money into an amount that can secure their life in the years to come in the shortest possible time. Very few investment options can give the result that an investor seeks. Stock Market is one of the options where it is possible. The king of all the investment options where it is possible to earn a fortune overnight is Stock Market. Most Investor believes that stock market investing provides them with the scope of the maximum return in the shortest time. Role of Stock, Stock Market Exchange, Market for companies However, Stock market investing is lucrative; a query should strike the mind of an investor before entering the world of a stock trader, i.e. How Stock, Stock Market Exchange, Market Works? Stock Broker or an experienced stock trader can help you a lot in clearing, Stock Market Exchange, your doubts related to your query. It seems a difficult question,, Stock Market Exchange, but has a simple answer and can be understood without any confusion. Companies are always looking forward to raise their capital for development purposes to get more profit, Stock Market Exchange, for the organization. They target minor investors for the purpose and the best place to locate them is stock market. To publicize themselves, companies offer a portion (of the overall share of the concern) to public through stock market. Role of Stock Market for Investors For investors, stock market and its day trading are the medium from where they look forward to have transactions, i.e. buy or sell, in the stocks that they feel, Stock Market Exchange, comfortable with. The process of buying or selling of a stock can be achieved in real-time day trading, online stock market, etc. By understanding the role of stock market in stocks and a stock trader, it is easy to understand the basic working that is involved in stock market. However,, Stock Market Exchange, an investor who looks forward for extracting maximum tries to gather more and more knowledge on the subject of stock market. To gather better knowledge, it is important for learning the terms involved, Stock Market Exchange, in the world of day trading, stock broker, stock trader, etc. that includes stock quotes & market capitalization. Stock Quotes The most popular of all the terms used in stock market is stock quotes. Stock quotes signify the prices, Stock Market Exchange,, Stock Market Exchange, that a stock is transacted in the market. An investor studies the stock quotes regularly through the information available from a stockbroker or another stock trader during the day trading. It helps him in making the best decision in relation to stocks. Stock quotes are controlled by several factors that include economical health, trends in spending & trading and technical or financial report of the company put forward to the investors by the company or experienced stockbroker. Market Capitalization Market capitalization is another term, Stock Market Exchange, that can ring in your ears while you are involved in a conversation whose subject is related to stock market. The term indicates the overall values of companies, Stock Market Exchange, or stocks that are offered in stock market. Using a simple formula can do calculation of market capitalization of stocks: Number of surplus share in the market X stock quotes. Buying and Selling of Stocks The next step after knowing the basic terminologies is learning the procedures for buying and selling of stocks in day trading or online stock market. Buying of stocks is the procedure that requires an appropriate investment amount from a stock trader. This investment amount is utilized in paying for the total amount of the stocks brought along with the commission or the tax charges involved with the transaction. Investor opts for opening investment account with stockbroker that has firm nearby investors location, Stock Market Exchange, for convenience. However, online stock market has given an option for an online account for investment to a stock trader that allows them to buy without the involvement of a stockbroker. The process that follows the opening of the investment account is funding it for making the purchases. The moment your account receives the apt fund for the purchase, stock buying can be done. The process of selling requires the stock trader to inform their stock broker about the quantity of shares you require to sell and at what stock prices. Online stock market requires the trader to enter the order for sell through their investment account. Once you understand the proceedings and the working of stock market investing, your success in the field is unstoppable. Click Here to Visit Best Day Trading Robot Reviews

My name is Shelia and I am the owner of website called Consumer Guide - Find Product Reviews and Ratings from Consumer Reports! Visit my blog at - http://pubchin.com , Also don't forget to follow me on Twitter - http://twitter.com/comeway

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tips For the Beginning Stock Market Investor

Author: Jeff T Morgan

Source: ezinearticles.com

New to stock, Stock Market Exchange, market investing - or just thinking about it? It used to be that investing in stocks was a pursuit for the well-heeled, but some changes to the stock market structure and a growing need for retirement planning have changed that completely. Today, stock investing is for everybody - a necessity,,, Stock Market Exchange, Stock Market Exchange, Stock Market Exchange, to ensure a comfortable retirement, if not a way to get filthy rich.Of course, if you're, Stock Market Exchange, actually going to make money investing in stocks, you can't just go in blind and start buying stocks. The scary truth is that there are at least as many losers in the stock markets as there are winners. And despite the fact that we're talking about winning and losing, stock market investing is not a game, and it's not a gamble - or shouldn't be. If you walk into it thinking of investing as 'playing the market', but don't take the time to learn the rules and the tips and tricks of stock investing, you may be in for a sad awakening.A stock investor needs to understand the market before investing.Okay, that's not an absolute given. If you can afford it, you can always hand your money over to an investment firm and let them take total control and make your investments for you. But for those people who would like to pick and choose their own stocks, a little homework is an absolute necessity.You can find a lot of excellent tutorials with stock tips and tricks of the trade online. Learn the definitions and get a basic understanding of how the market works before sinking any money into a stock. Stock exchange terminology can be daunting - and not understanding the terms can cost you some, Stock Market Exchange, serious money if you make a mistake, so before you start spending money, or even consider which stocks you should invest in, take the time to read up on the basics, Stock Market Exchange, of investing in stocks.Stock Analysis - How do you choose stocks?While there are hundreds of trading "systems" out there, most savvy market investors use one of three methods to choose the stocks in which they invest - fundamental analysis, technical analysis or a blend of the two. The benefits of one over the other are a hotly debated topic in most forums devoted to stock market tips and stock market news, so understanding the differences and relative merits of each is important.Fundamental analysts choose stocks on the strength of the company in which they are buying shares. Fundamental analysis is a valuable tool for choosing stocks for long term stock market investing.Technical analysts use charts to look for patterns and signals to tell traders when to buy and sell stocks and other securities in order to maximize their profits. Technical analysis is most often used by traders, who buy and sell stocks in the shorter term rather than buying stocks as a long term investments.Market Tools for Beginning InvestorsLong gone are the days when the only way to get your stock market news was in the morning newspaper. The internet has made it possible - and easy - for anyone with a computer and an internet connection to get up to the second stock exchange quotes, follow your favorite stocks, research, Stock Market Exchange, possible investment opportunities and get the stock market report on any stock that catches your eye. There are free and premium services that offer stock market quotes in real time - though most of the free services are delayed by twenty minutes or more. Many of these sites also let you pull up financial data, technical charts and company news on your chosen stocks, and will even point out stock picks and offer stock tips.As a beginning investor, one of the best things that you can do is, Stock Market Exchange, visit a wide number of stock market report sites, play with the tools, Stock Market Exchange, offered and read up on tutorials that will help you get familiar with how the stock market and trading works, Stock Market Exchange, . Once you have a solid grounding in the technical and how-to end of the stock market, you'll be able to make far better decisions when it's time to put your money to work.

Jeff Morgan is a business professional who has owned and operated several businesses for over 18 years. He owns a website packed with stock market related articles and resources http://www.stockmarketnewslive.com

Stock Markets Are Not Democratic

Author: Aetius Romulous

Source: ezinearticles.com

The stock market is not democratic. Changes in the stock market, far from being an honest representation of the state of the nation's economy, are nothing more than a barometer for the wealthy, educated elite whose fortunes are tied to Wall Street's performance, while the great majority of the population become spectators in increasing numbers with every advance or decline. Psychology, technology, education and social status all have become barriers preventing the equitable distribution of the gifts of regulated equities, and worse, perpetuate the imbalance by their very nature.In the stock market, the rich get richer while the rest...just think they do.There is an unspoken myth that participation in the stock market is wide and deep in America, and that its fortunes are egalitarian - truly a democracy open to all, and with an even shot at bonanza. In a sense, Wall Street has come to define America, and the, Stock Market Exchange, equality of opportunity it represents. No matter how humble of station, the American dream is available through prudent investment in the stock market over the long term.The mainstream media in the United States supports this supposition, the rise of business and investment shows, finance segments in news broadcasts, and daily headlines covering every joyous or threatening tilt in the great pinball machine. Finance news has become a growth industry, predicated as it is on the increasing desire of wider groups of viewers for, Stock Market Exchange, immediate and insightful news and analysis. On the web, sex is still king, with finance porn coming up behind. A noun, a verb, and, Stock Market Exchange, a stock symbol will get your blog readers almost as fast as a scantily clad avatar.Only a third of, Stock Market Exchange, Americans participate in the stock, Stock Market Exchange, market through the ownership of stocks in one way or another. While that's a lot of people, it certainly is not the strong majority that a democracy assumes. Still,, Stock Market Exchange, changes in stock market performance do affect thirty-five, Stock Market Exchange, percent of the population directly. However the math suggests that the best such a wide group can do in a pseudo zero sum game is to track the changes, their returns never being anything better than average.Real increases in wealth occur in smaller, segmented sections of the stock buying population as a whole. Owning stocks alone is no guarantee of success.For most of the stock owning public, stock ownership arrives through the back door, in market products that pool resources like, Stock Market Exchange, mutual funds, or in market incentives like retirement tax breaks that accompany the buying of stocks in the way 401(k) plans do. People invest for the tax break, and consider the risk small or non-existent that their equity investments in stocks will melt away. They are not stock market investors as much as they are tax break investors.In terms of risk ownership - where higher risks mean greater potential rewards - the vast amount of stock holding Americans have insulated themselves from the great rewards of stock ownership, by falsely, Stock Market Exchange, believing their low risk, widely spread holdings will return more than low, widely spread rewards. For people who own mutual, Stock Market Exchange, funds, automated 401(k) plans, or received stock in the company they work for, the nature and motivation of their investment condemns them to the law of averages, existing always on the fat part of the curve. They will never beat the market, as they are the market.And while most consider the rapid, inexorable advance of the value of the Dow an important way to have their investments participate in the great game of easy wealth creation, that too is an illusion. Despite its impressive scorecard, the stock market has only averaged a real rate of return of about 4% over the long term, once adjusted for inflation. Hardly the get rich quick - or slow - scheme many believe.Direct stock market participation is the only way to get out from under the curve, and have any realistic shot at beating inflation and adding real, sports car buying, holiday taking,, Stock Market Exchange, coke snorting "wealth".Pulling together the money,, Stock Market Exchange, reading a bit about what you are doing, tracking down a broker, and selecting from thousands of stocks to individually purchase in minimum, Stock Market Exchange, board lots is not something Americans do in any great, relative number. According to the Federal Reserve Board "Survey of Consumer Finances", only about 18% of stock market participation is done in this fashion. Less than one in five Americans has taken the opportunity to work the American dream directly, and pit their guts and faith against the odds.Certainly, the advances in online technology over the last decade have made stock market participation wider, what with the profusion of discount brokers and do it yourself, on line stock trading. Wall Street on line gaming. Yet, direct participation in the market has only progressed not much beyond, Stock Market Exchange, the 18% of 2007, from the 13% of 1991. It has never been easier to buy stocks, and with two major booms, so few people availed themselves the chance to ride the big one. Clearly, the stock market does not represent America,, Stock Market Exchange, where 80% of the population is not participating directly in the fortunes of the corporate assets of the country, and are not a participating part of a fundamental of free market capitalism.Contemporary culture is slathered in headlines of Wall Street, the DOW, and NASAQ, giving the impression of a country deeply wired to the fortunes of the market across all demographic spectrums. Stock market participation, Stock Market Exchange, analysis however, clearly identifies serious barriers to entry that make Wall Street a decidedly closed, club.A closed club of rich, educated men in high status occupations.Wealth (like male pattern baldness), is inherited. If you are clever enough to be born to rich, beautiful parents, odds are you are clever enough to have your own kids repeat the trick. Progeny of wealthy households inherit much more than trust accounts. The basic knowledge and principles of the responsibility for all that family capital comes with the suitcase. Other folks, who lack both the capital and the joie de vive, make their first market acquisition from a decidedly disadvantaged place. In a very undemocratic fashion, a major barrier to entry appears, Stock Market Exchange, to be to whom you were born.The Federal Reserve Board Survey of Consumer Finances also reveals it's better to be born a male. Men dominate the world, Stock Market Exchange, of finance, and women have a long way to go, as you are more than twice as likely to be a man if you invest, Stock Market Exchange, directly in the stock market.Education also forms a barrier, as there is a direct correlation between rates of stock market participation and levels of schooling. Not surprisingly, the world of finance being a complex and disciplined world, better-educated Americans are over represented in the markets. Thirty five per cent of College graduate households owned stocks, more than all other classes, Stock Market Exchange, combined. Easy access to transparent information is a necessary part of an informed market decision, and college grads it appears, know how to find it.Another trait shared amongst the wealthy, smart and male is high status occupations. It turns out very few wealthy, well-educated men work in the bowels of fast food, and very few shopping cart handlers invest in stocks to any degree. While no studies exist to support this kind of detail, one imagines the most popular job description amongst stock market participants is "VP of something".Just being in the market carries a value added social cache on the greens or at dinner parties, and knowing the lingo is a secret hand shake of sorts on long, transatlantic flights in first class; "Our people are telling me I have to shift more trust liability into higher leveraged, off shore asset classes. Who do you like in Singapore?" If, on the other hand, the big guy in the center seat keeps saying "I gotta go to the can" all through the flight to St. Pete's, odds are you are not in the markets.In the end, stocks carry a degree of risk that most Americans prefer to avoid. The greater the degree of risk assumed, the greater the amount of the reward. In this fashion, not just stock market participation, but market profitability are tied to degrees of risk. Those willing and able to shoulder greater risk tend to consolidate and get wealthier, and at rates beyond those whose risk tolerance is just not up to it.Economic Sociology tells us that both economic disposition and social strata are indicators of higher risk tolerance, and thus are rewarded more regularly with out sized checks. In essence, stinking rich folks can afford to take it in the teeth occasionally, however embarrassing that may be. Risk takes on another order of magnitude when the difference in a loss is between the polite tut tut's at the, Stock Market Exchange, club, and living in your minivan with the family. The opportunity to participate in risk is limited by the objective magnitude of failure.Behavioural Finance suggests that risk tolerance, Stock Market Exchange, is also governed by human foibles. Most small investors understand that the markets are a game fixed in favor of the Goliath and well connected. This keeps market participation to only the foolhardy, or as researchers have come to know them, gamblers. Gambling requires a certain set of unfortunate human traits; a taste for un-rational risk, and the sad affliction to always overestimate ability and profits, while to simultaneously ignore or rationalize away the losses. Finance is another sport where testosterone plays a deciding role. It's a male thing.Entry to Wall Street is barred to those without high levels of economic and social capital. The size and influence of that capital dictates the amount of risk aversion, and acts as a limiter on the opportunity to consolidate great wealth from the markets. In this way, free markets, capitalism, and liberal economics have fashioned, Stock Market Exchange, a system of wealth and power that is increasingly oligarchic, self perpetuating, and completely undemocratic.The staggering bull market just ended only served to speed up the process, as boom markets favour those who can push the limits of risk with mountains of capital. The limits of risk apparently being highly leveraged in a head scratching soup of acronyms,, Stock Market Exchange, with absolutely no idea of what will happen if for once, you were wrong.The brutal market collapse and general maelstrom of economic disarray in late 2008 laid bare the inequities of free market equity investing. The greater part of America that invested in the markets had their hopes and, Stock Market Exchange, dreams shattered,, Stock Market Exchange, and, Stock Market Exchange, their ability to spend cauterized. That spelled job loss and eviction for the four fifths of the country that was living beyond their means, trying to keep up with a dream they were silently denied entry to, and dependent on the largess of the market investors seemingly endless disposable income.For those who had the opportunity to take the biggest risks, and for whom those successive risks had ensured survival in an, Stock Market Exchange, ever-decreasing club of consolidated wealth and power... they all took "haircuts". For this elite class of investor, boom and bust did little more than jiggle, Stock Market Exchange, about very big numbers on streams of personal financial statements. If you found you had to sell the home in the Hamptons in the worst real estate market in history, you were not in this class.Far from spreading wealth, boom markets concentrate gain, and, Stock Market Exchange, solidify ownership of America's real power elite. In a crash, the process is the same but brutal, when those without the resources to stay the course and take real risk on recovery are shut out, or worse, lose all faith in the value of risk and the hopelessness of the Wall Street game.When the Dow Jones Industrial Average rises, who does it benefit? Those with investments in the stock market, who have the social standing and resources to accept the risks that reward so few. The great balance of traders - small, individual traders alone or in groups - can seldom do any better than average - and average barely keeps ahead of inflation. For the two thirds of Americans not in the markets at all, it hardly matters a whiff.There is nothing democratic about "the markets".

"Aetius Romulous"

Historian, Economist, Accountant, Writer, and blood sucking CEO.

Born at the wrong end of the Baby Boom Generation - too late to enjoy the ride, too early to have missed it, and stuck in the middle with the mess.

Aetius writes and blogs from his frozen perch atop the earth in Canada, spending the useful capital of a life not finished making sandwiches and fomenting revolution.

It's a living.



Friday, September 25, 2009

Stock market is overbought

Author: Al Amzin

Source: free-articles

E-mastertrade ( http://www.e-mastertrade, Stock Market Exchange, .com ) presents new hot article for traders. There are more, Stock Market Exchange, in our newsletter .Warning: you may use this article on your site free only when link to http://www.e-mastertrade.com provided.STOCK MARKET IS OVERBOUGHT. TOO LATE TO INVEST!, Stock Market Exchange, There's no need to explain what a stock market collapse means, Stock Market Exchange, . Possibility of a collapse is a source of tensity for a trader. Traders are afraid of it and hope this will never happen again. But it always does. Stock market crises are taking place quite often. The problem is how to estimate when this crisis will happen again. How to forecast when a stock market bubble is ready to blow up? It's very important to estimate the moment of a collapse. We will try to do it by using instruments based on regression model, such as CAPM. CAPM is a well-known regression model that is able to estimate asset risk in comparison with stock market index. CAPM model, Stock Market Exchange, is an equilibrium, Stock Market Exchange, model. It estimates stock market movement after market loses its balance. CAPM determines the balance conditions.To test this system it is essential to select, Stock Market Exchange, a country with long financial, Stock Market Exchange, history. The history should comprise stock market bubbles and collapses. In this example we choose USA. And we select the main well-known indices, such as blue chips Dow Jones, technology-laced Nasdaq Composite and broader Standard and Poor's 500 Index. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is the main American index. It's the oldest and single most watched index in the world. DJIA is a price-weighted average of 30 significant stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq, Stock Market Exchange, . Charles Dow invented the DJIA back in 1896. The DJIA includes blue chips companies like General Electric, Disney, Exxon, Microsoft and others. The Nasdaq Composite index is market value weighted index of all common stocks listed on Nasdaq. The Nasdaq Composite dates back to, Stock Market Exchange, 1971, when the Nasdaq exchange was first formalized. The Nasdaq Composite Index measures all listed Nasdaq domestic and international based common type stocks. Today the Nasdaq Composite includes over 4,000 companies, making it one of the most widely followed and quoted major market indices. Unlike the DJIA, the Nasdaq is market value-weighted, so it takes into, Stock Market Exchange, account the total market capitalization of the companies it tracks and not just their share prices.The Standard and Poor's, Stock Market Exchange, 500 Index consists of 500 stocks chosen for market size, liquidity,, Stock Market Exchange, and industry group representation. It is a market value weighted index, with each stock's weight in the index proportionate to its market value. S&P 500 consists of 400 industrial companies, 20 transportation, and 40 financial and 40 utilities companies. The S&P 500 is one of the most commonly used benchmarks of the overall stock market.We have to compare stock market indices with Gross Domestic Product, to estimate if market oversold or overbought. We choose as a dependent variable stock market index, and as an independent variable GDP. These two variables can be presented in percent as a difference between first date and the settlement date divide by its first year value. Such variable allow us to compare different indices in single country and indices of different countries. We'll explain why we choose GDP as a dependent variable. Our choice based on the main stock market risk concerned with marginability. Stock market doesn't produce new money, its just redistribute the existing money. As a result of this stock market yield should be limited by economy efficiency. When marginability is violated, when stock market rate of growth exceed economy rate of growth and stock market become very risky. As mentioned above, CAPM estimates the point when stock market becomes unstable.It becomes obvious if you take a look on the rate of change. When rates of change are more then 1, stock market is considered risky. The more the rates of change the more it's risky. When slope, Stock Market Exchange, is less then 1, we can say that stock market is underestimated and during the some period it will aspire to 1. Variables that we place on different axes can be negative. For instance, to calculate rate of growth for GDP 1980 we have to deduct GDP 1995 from GDP 1980 and this negative deduction compare with the 1995 date. Let's compare 3 main American indices to find common features. The first one Dow Jones Industrial Average represents blue chip companies, second Nasdaq Composite Index - technology companies, and the third one S&P 500, consists of both blue chips and technology companies. [illustrations], Stock Market Exchange, It's obvious, that these three main indices have common behavior in these three patterns. Stock market growth rate outstrips economy growth. Stock market is overestimated. This situation is lasting for a long time, and now it's getting even worse. It's clear that stock market indices have dependence. As a result of it let's review the dynamic of main American, Stock Market Exchange, index Dow Jones. Linear part locates between 1980 and 1990. It can be revealed by line with an angle 1.14. In this period stock market rate of growth a little bit bigger then economy rate of growth. Beginning with the 1994 Dow Jones Industrial Average grows very fast comparing to real economy growth. You, Stock Market Exchange, can see it on the graph. The angle has increased more then 3 times. This means that stock market growth exceeds real economy growth more then 3 times. Such rise lasted till the 2000. In 2000 raise changed into fall (angle equals 5.96). During the fall stock market rate of growth didn't reach economy rate of growth. This means that stock market is still overbought. Situation is getting even worse every day. DJIA is growing and getting overheated even more. This situation may cause a stock market collapse. It doesn't mean that stock market falls today or tomorrow. But it will happen in any case in a future. If the S&P 500 Index looks like DJIA, the situation with the Nasdaq composite seems even worse. Since 1994 the Nasdaq Composite rate of growth grows up more then 12 times. Starting from 2000 the Nasdaq fall was much horrible then Dow. Technology, Stock Market Exchange, index didn't reach its fair price the same as Dow Jones. Beta coefficient equals 5.19 right now. According to these calculations we can say that the Nasdaq composite is overestimated at present. It can cause even greater collapse. So,, Stock Market Exchange, if the index value didn't reach the balanced price, stock market fall possibility will always exist. We've got such situation right, Stock Market Exchange, now. Stock market is overheated already and getting even more overheated. It's time for traders to think if this a good time for investing or not and what kind of trading strategy to follow. We are not advising you not to invest in stock market, we just warning you that it's very risky right now. Stock market collapse is not far off. Traders, be careful!None